Is what you’re feeling the entrepreneurial seed? The entrepreneurial seed is your inner voice telling you to become independent, and provide for yourself what you think your job is supposed to. The entrepreneurial seed vs. what some call spirit, has to be cultivated and nurtured, protected, and unleashed.
You’ll know you have the entrepreneurial seed by realizing the source of the feelings you have on your job. The reason you’re looking for ways to make things work despite the system, because entrepreneurs get paid to solve others problems. The reason you want to be part of the bigger picture with your job or organization is because your soul needs purpose, and entrepreneurs know it’s best to determine their own destiny. One of the main reasons you feel drastically undervalued, is because you understand what the organization needs and could provide that value, if you were recognized. This lack of recognition is the source disappointment with each salary evaluation, despite possibly receiving stellar reviews, because you have not made the connection that companies pay for positions, but entrepreneurs get paid for the value we provide.
Entrepreneurs have a multitude of options and each is based on the individual’s circumstances, which is why I provide a free success consultation, but the common denominator is that you must grow that entrepreneurial seed. EVERYONE is looking for leadership! Opportunities to capitalize on that leadership are always more abundant before you’re in a position that you need one.