Successful people make decisions while everyone else is goal setting! Have you ever noticed the individual or team that fiercely competes and WINS without regards to aesthetics or finesse? If you don’t have the emotional fire behind your goals your setting yourself up for failure.
Setting a goal is simply “trying” or attempting to accomplish something depending upon the circumstances you encounter along the way vs. making a decision that will happen regardless of what’s encountered. Imagine waking up from a deep sleep and your house is engulfed in flames with every exit obstructed by fire! Your only exit is your bedroom window which you can use to easily make it to safety. If your children are in another part of the house, decision is an understatement to describe the level of effort, determination, creativity, and unstoppable force behind getting them to safety. The window in your bedroom probably wasn’t even a consideration unless you could use it to get to your children faster. How silly would it be to ask if getting to your children was a goal?
Intellectually what occurs when setting a goal vs. making a decision is essentially risk vs. reward, but the catalyst it the emotional tipping point that materializes results. Decision isn’t the absence of morality or impulsiveness of the moment, but understanding and tapping into the values and priorities that drive you emotionally. “Truly successful decision-making relies on a balance between deliberate and instinctive thinking.” – Malcolm Gladwell
Setting a goal and “putting your best foot forward” will be no opposition to someone that makes a decision to retaliate, defend, stand up, speak out, protest, or protect!